Howdy, howdy! However did you find me? Regardless, I am so glad you did and took the time to comment on my blog. I've loved stopping here. Your bleak world is quite fetching, actually. Love your style and look forward to following your posts.
I love this guy! The characters you paint always express so much personality - and the more I work at that, the more I appreciate people who can do it so naturally.
I'm an artist working in the public school system who is always learning as well. My college days were spent at the amazing Ringling College of Art and Design where I learned how paint and developed a love for teaching and late night drawing! I am available for freelance work, contact me here:
All ORIGINAL artwork copyright Albert Sorrentino Jr. 2012. No content on this blog may be used or reproduced without express written permission from Albert Sorrentino Jr.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog Albert. How are things going with you these days??
Howdy, howdy! However did you find me? Regardless, I am so glad you did and took the time to comment on my blog. I've loved stopping here. Your bleak world is quite fetching, actually. Love your style and look forward to following your posts.
I love this guy! The characters you paint always express so much personality - and the more I work at that, the more I appreciate people who can do it so naturally.
What a cute vampire!! I like his stripey socks :) nothing wrong with starting the Halloween art early..or all year round haha!
Great character. Like the pumpkin too.
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